마법에 걸린 고양이: 마법의 밈 모험!

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WARNING: The ‘secret feature’ in this animation may be harmful to those with photosensitive epilepsy. There are flashing colors that change rapidly, so please be cautious!

Welcome to 마법에 걸린 고양이, inspired by the internet meme Nyan Cat! This delightful animation combines the charm of our enchanted feline with catchy looping music from the Nyan.cat website. The enchanting GIF was carefully crafted using GIMP, and you can find the original link at the bottom of Nyan.cat/. I hope you enjoy this magical experience!

PS: If you love this project, don’t forget to share it! The button is just over there. If you have any suggestions for features or improvements, feel free to comment—I might just add it!

Change Log:

  • v1.0: Released.
  • v1.1: Added a volume control button. Press it; I dare you!
  • v1.2: Introduced a counter! If you can reach over 9000 seconds, give a shoutout to nich117 for the idea.
  • v1.3: Added a ‘Special Feature’—can you find it?

Enjoy the magical adventure with 마법에 걸린 고양이!

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